Precious Gugulethu Mtembu well known as Zama joined the Umduduzi Palliative care team in February 2022.
Zama’s mother is a retired midwife and has always been inspired by her love and care she has for people. From a young age, Zama knew it was a calling for her too. Since 2005 she has been studying and training, working her way up from enrolled nursing assistant to professional registered nurse in 2020.
Zama has had a great deal of experience, working in Primary Health, TB HIV/AIDS Programmes and surgical, medical and oncology wards. Becoming a part of Umduduzi team has been challenging as she had not worked with seriously ill children previously. Her passion and awareness of her calling have been highlighted as she finds herself making a difference in the lives of those who need us.
Zama is happily married with 2 daughters aged 8 and 4 years.She cannot wait to continue this journey of ‘ukududuza abantu’ day by day.